aminat's story
Aminat Ajisegiri is an A-level student of economics
Kimberley's story
Professor Kimberley Scharf is Head of School and Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the University of Nottingham. She was formerly Head of the Department of Economics at the University of Birmingham.
henok's story
Henok is an economics graduate from the University of Bristol
polly's story
Pol joined the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) in 2016 as a Research Economist in the Pensions and Public Finance sector. Their work covered devolved and local government finance, and analysis of public spending. They are currently a PhD candidate at the London School of Economics.
xavier's story
Xavier Dabire is an A-Level student of Economics
maureen's story
Maureen Paul is Deputy Director of Retail Market Policy at OFGEM, having previously been Head of Analytical Strategy & Development and Head of Economics Community.
ali's story
Ali Norrish was previously Head of Research and Schools at The Economy, and now works as a Programme Delivery Manager at On Purpose London.
ben's story
Ben joined the Institute for Fiscal Studies (IFS) in 2017 as a Research Economist in the Pensions and Public Finance Sector. His current work as a Senior Research Economist includes analysis of public spending and research into the relationship between social care receipt and hospital use.
eleasha's story
Eleasha Kintu is an A-level student of Economics