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Daira Povez-Gamboa

Discover Economics Top Exam Tips

It's exam season and it is normal to feel nervous (or even terrified); so we here at Discover thought we'd give you some tips to keep going!

Discover Economics Top Exam Tips:

  • Learn your definitions: definitions are important in economics as they are the basis for solving every problem or supporting your arguments in long answers/essays

  • Understand your graphs inside out: Graphs are fundamental in the study of economics. One piece of advice could be to practice making different graphs, perhaps representing different shocks in the economy or movements/shifts of curves

  • Practice every single multiple choice quiz available: if you already did the quizzes, do them again! It is always a good way to put into practice your knowledge. Do not forget to time yourself and check your answers and understand the reason for every mistake.

  • Evaluate long answers: - pick an answer - argue why it is better than the others - acknowledge the weaknesses in your argument. You can also ask someone else to read your answers and listen carefully to their feedback. You can do this with your classmates or friends

  • Have a strong conclusion: Most marks are in the conclusions of essays (at least for GCSE) so have a strong conclusion.

  • Read the news: Understand economics in the real world - and be prepared for potential case studies. Try to relate what you have learned with the current affairs/news and evaluate the economic implications of them.

  • Utilise the internet: there are a lot of YouTube videos going in-depth on each topic

  • Go over feedback on all previous essays

  • Learn your formulas (elasticities etc.): you can make a formula sheet

  • Study exam technique: learn how to get high marks on each type of question - read mark schemes - mark your practice papers. Also, you can ask your teachers for some advice in each section of the exam.

  • Organise: set up your day into achievable revision chunks with breaks - set out what you want to cover beforehand (a topic/ past paper/ make flashcards etc.) this makes you more likely to stick to it when it comes

  • Reward yourself: if you know your phone is a distraction, hide it from yourself and reward yourself with phone time after you’ve achieved your revision goal

  • Take breaks: well-being is important as well as taking breaks. Make some time to do exercise, meet friends or spend time with your family

  • Passive revision: for example, post-it notes around your house, revision apps on your phone you can use when on public transport, listen to podcasts

  • Past papers: Do past papers as you were doing the real exam. Time yourself, no distractions

  • Ask questions: if you do not understand something is the moment to clarify your doubts!

Remember studying Economics is meant to be enjoyable, so be dedicated and organised and we know you've got this- Good luck!

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