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what economists do

There are economics-specific and economics-related jobs across almost all sectors of the economy:

Word cloud of words relating to economics careers
Frontier economics logo

The Institute for Fiscal Studies found that economics is the second most lucrative degree.

Want to know more about what real economists do? Click here to meet an economist!

Picture of Olivia Kelly, University of St. Andrews
Picture of Florence Blake, economist
Picture of Thomas Fry, student
Graphic showing employers with the most demand for economics graduates in the UK:

Built in Boston
Environment Agency

The employers with the most demand for economics graduates in the UK include the NHS and Amazon. 

Graphic showing different fields open to economics graduates, e.g. aerospace, food and drink, and media

As an economics graduate, you will be open to a range of different careers-you could work in the financial sector, for a tech company, an economic consultancy, the government and more.

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